Original Mechanical Data and scripts used to produce engineering units and, in many cases, plots for papers
Labnotes and Runsheets for MIT Experiments m000 to m401
Labnotes and Runsheets for PSU Experiments p0000 to p4350
Data for Experiments p0000 to p3999
Other data will be available soon.
You will need the program 'saxl' to run the script, see below
Chris Marone github See Stand Alone xlook
Stand Alone version of xlook is a program that runs 'r-files' and 'doit' commands and produces ASCII
Xlook is the program I started with Greg Boitnott in grad. school (~1984) and developed into a general analysis package for rock mechanics data analysis. It has all the capabilities one needs to work with binary data and produce ACSII for plotting etc. It has the Rate State Friction Inversiion routine I wrote originaly for this paper
Blanpied, M. L., C. Marone, D. A. Lockner, J. D. Byerlee, and D. P. King, Quantitative measure of the variation in fault rheology due to fluid-rock interactions, J. Geophys. Res. , 103, 9691-9712, 1998
Sadly, graphics packages have changed too many times since the Sun-tools graphics window, x, xlib, apple-quartz, etc... and I gave up making xlook run with graphics. All of the original functionality runs with saxl and this will allow you to use data from all of our old experiments.
xlook manual
last update: 8 May 2024